
Anxiety & Neurofeedback

We’re all familiar with the physical changes associated with anxiety. You feel anxious or afraid, your body responds with hormones that speed up your heart and respiration, make your mouth dry, and slow down digestion. These are some of the sympathetic nervous system’s response to ready the body for “fight or flight.”

Once the feeling of anxiety passes, the parasympathetic nervous system takes over, calming the body down for rest and recovery.

But what happens if your brain is in a constant state of worry? The fight or flight mode can become your natural state if your brainwaves are imbalanced. Anxiety sufferers tend to have repetitive, negative thoughts that create a chronic state of fear or dread. This type of brainwave activity is usually related to excessive beta brainwave activity in the right side of the brain. This activity can now be measured, using a QEEG (quantitative electro-encephalogram). This is also known as a “brain map.”

Up to now, the standard approach to these issues is either medications, therapy, or both. Medications can be effective in easing the symptoms caused by an anxious brain.  However, the effects are temporary, and side effects can be severe. Therapy sessions can take years, and require sometimes painful revisiting of past traumas in order to produce change.

Neurofeedback is an all-natural approach that can create long-term changes in brain function. These changes go to the source of the anxiety — imbalanced brainwaves in the brain itself.

To find out if you qualify for this type of care click on the link below to request an appointment today.


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