36% of Americans said that the pandemic has had a serious impact on their mental health.
According to Forbes, mental health providers across America have seen an increase in individuals seeking treatment for anxiety and depression during the coronavirus pandemic. 36% of Americans told an American Psychiatric Association poll that the pandemic has had a serious impact on their mental health, and a PiplSay poll reported 31% of Americans sleeping less because of coronavirus-related anxiety.
Rhiana Holmes, a therapist specializing in disaster psychology, told ForbesĀ that “depression and anxiety thrive on social isolation and disruption of routine.”
“Much like how we don’t know how many asymptomatic coronavirus carriers are going to manifest into needing care, we’re seeing the same thing in mental health,” stated Mimi Weinburg, co-founder of the remote therapy service, Brightside. “All of us that are struggling with the adjustments to new circumstances, some percentage will actually manifest into clinical anxiety and depression.”
The standard protocols for anxiety and depression are prescription medication. Medications can have their place in the short term but they do not address the underlying affect of brainwave imbalance. Medications can even cause more abnormal brainwave patterns, which can lead to greater symptoms. Neurofeedback is the drug-free solution for the increase in anxiety and depression due to the pandemic. With state-of-the-art technology, Neurofeedback is a guided exercise for the brain that is shown to help normalize brainwaves. To learn more about Neurofeedback, click here.